Well, I finally did it. I haven't played any ice hockey in years. I used to play pick up games when I was a kid growing up in Manitoba and Alberta (that is Canada if you don't know), but I can't remember that I have since (ie 25 years ago).
Since moving here four years ago, I have been thinking about showing up for a hockey pick up game at the Sprinker rink. But I never got up the nerve. It's been a year since a patient of mine gave me his old gear.
So tonight, 40 years old and full of fear, I showed up at the rink, payed my ten bucks and went in. A guy named Jeff was already there, and he told me how to get my gear on. Twenty-five years ago in Canada, we wore coats and toques, no "gear." We had to clean off the ice before playing, because the snow would often have fallen. But tonight, 7 of us played on ice crisp and fresh, though artificially frozen.
I impressed myself primarily in that I did not pass out. We played 1/2 rink, which I guess is like 1/2 court basketball. I had the best work-out, and the best time in a long time. I also impressed myself that I did not fall down, I got the puck some times, and I wasn't even the worst player (only second-worst). I am so sore and I know I won't be able to move tomorrow. But I didn't lose any teeth or break any bones.
Face Your Fears
And thanks to Joyce and Mitch Rosenholtz
Good job way to face your fears
That is really cool how you faced your fears! I bet you are super proud of yourself, and your family was especially proud. ;)
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