"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."
-Philippians 1:6
God will never disown you. He will never give up on you. He will never regret the price he paid to adopt you into his family. And he will never set aside the sanctifying process he began in you on the day of your salvation.
More than likely you will go through occasional times when God seems distant or you're losing your spiritual edge. In those seasons perhaps even your desire to grow in godliness will break down. But your feelings don't represent all that is true. God is still at work in you. In fact, many people will say that their times of deepest struggle became game-changes because of what they were forced to learn about God and life when put to the test. What was theory became belief. What was presumption became conviction...Because God finishes what he starts.
-Tim Grissom and John Majors
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