Look at the sort of world we live in. Take off your rose-colored glasses, rub your eyes and look at it long and hard. What do you see? You see life’s background set by aimlessly recurring cycles in nature. You see its shape fixed by times and circumstances over which we have no control. You see death coming to everyone sooner or later, but coming haphazard; its coming bears no relation to whether it is deserved. Humans die like beasts, good ones like bad, wise ones like fools. You see evil running rampant; the wicked prosper, the good don’t. Seeing all this, you realize that God’s ordering of events is inscrutable; much as you want to make it out, you cannot do so. The harder you try to understand the divine purpose in the ordinary providential course of events, the more obsessed and oppressed you grow with the apparent aimlessness of everything, and the more you are tempted to conclude that life really is as pointless as it looks.
But once you conclude that there really is no rhyme or
reason in things, what “profit”--value, gain, point, purpose-- can you find in
any sort of constructive endeavor? If life is senseless, then it is valueless;
and in that case, what use is it working to create things, to build a business,
to make money, even to seek wisdom—for none of this can do you any obvious
good; it will only make you an object of envy; you can’t take any of it with
you; and what you leave behind will probably be mismanaged after you have gone.
What point is there, then, in sweating and toiling at anything? Must not all
our work be judged “vanity and a striving after wind”?—activity that we cannot
justify as being either significant in itself or worthwhile to us?
It is to this pessimistic conclusion that optimistic
expectations of finding the divine purpose of everything will ultimately lead
you. The God who rules this world hides himself. Rarely does this world look as
if a beneficent providence were running it. Rarely does it appear that there is
a rational power behind it at all. Often what is worthless survives, while what
is valuable perishes. Be realistic, face these facts; see life as it is. You
will have no true wisdom till you do.
(This is the first part of J.I. Packer’s summary of the Bible
book of Ecclesiastes as found in the book “Knowing God.” It is a succinct summary of the problem
described by Solomon in Ecclesiastes.
Packer goes on to describe the final portion of the book as well:)
But what, in that case, is wisdom? The preacher has helped us to see what it is not; does he
give us any guidance as to what it is?
Indeed he does, in outline at any rate. “Fear God and keep
his commandments”; trust and obey him, reverence him, worship him, be humble
before him, and never say more than you mean and will stand to when you pray to
him; do good; remember that God will some day take account of you, so eschew,
even in secret, things of which you will be ashamed when they come to light at
God’s judgment. Live in the present, and enjoy it thoroughly; present pleasures
are God’s good gifts. Though Ecclesiastes condemns flippancy, he clearly has no
time for the superspirituality which is too proud or too pious ever to laugh
and have fun. Seek grace to work hard at whatever life calls you to do, and
enjoy your work as you do it. Leave to God its issues; let him measure its
ultimate worth; your part is to use all the good sense and enterprise at your
command in exploiting the opportunities that lie before you.
This is the way of wisdom. Clearly, it is just one facet of
the life of faith. For what underlies and sustains it? Why, the conviction that the
inscrutable God of providence is the wise and gracious God of creation and
redemption. We can be sure that the God who made this marvelously complex world
order, and who compassed the great redemption from Egypt, and who later
compassed the even greater redemption from sin and Satan, knows what he is
doing, and “doeth all things well,” even if for the moment he hides his hand.
We can trust him and rejoice in him, even when we cannot discern his path. Thus
the preacher’s way of wisdom boils down to what was expressed by Richard
Ye saints, who toil
Adore your heavenly
And onward as ye go
Some joyful anthem
Take what He give,
And praise Him still
Through good and ill
Who ever lives.
From Knowing God, by J. I. Packer InterVarstiy Press
1973, 1993
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